Vaping, Less Harm Not Harmless
A couple of decades had passed since vape appeared in front of people’s eyes. Whereas there are still a ton of questions remaining such as “Can vape help smokers quit smoking?”, “Is vaping harmful as smoking?” and “why should I choose vaping”. Nowadays, it’s known that vapes were touted as a better alternative to traditional cigarettes, and even a way for tobacco users to quit smoking. However, the chemicals in e-cigarettes are still capable of causing serious health complications, like lung disease and heart disease. It took decades to gather the data to show how harmful traditional cigarettes are, and it will take time to show the harmful effects of vaping as well. Vaping still causes serious health complications, which leads to our topic: Vaping, Less Harm Not Harmless.
No vaping products should be considered safe
According to the detailed information provided by FDA, it said: “different tobacco products, however, pose varying levels of health risk to users. Combustible products that burn tobacco, like a cigarette, are the most harmful to a user’s health, while noncombustible products, such as e-cigarettes, may be less harmful. However, no tobacco product is considered safe.
Cigarettes are responsible for the vast majority of all tobacco-related disease and death in the U.S. Smokers are exposed to a toxic mix of over 7,000 chemicals. These include at least 69 carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, n-nitrosamines, aromatic amines, aldehydes, volatile organic compounds and metal elements. When they inhale cigarette smoke, 2 the consequences of which can threaten their health in many ways. ” There are also several side effects that vaping may cause,including shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth and chest pain.
And the Oregin Government said that: “Until health experts can identify why people who have used these products have become seriously ill, and in some cases died, no vaping product should be used. People who experience symptoms of the illness after using vaping products, such as shortness of breath, cough or chest pain, should immediately seek medical attention.
Nicotine in the Vape Causes Health Risks
Nicotine in e-liquid goes quickly from your lungs to your bloodstream. It causes your body to release adrenaline, a hormone that raises your pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rate. This could play a role in raising your heart attack odds. You may also feel more alert and need to cough. If you vape marijuana, the high will be stronger than if you smoke the same amount. You may feel more anxious. Your eyes and mouth will be drier, too.
Studies show vaping may make heart disease more likely. Nicotine boosts plaque buildup in your arteries, which makes it harder for blood to reach your vital organs. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Smoking marijuana raises your heart rate, which makes your ticker work harder. Vaping the drug strengthens this effect. However, nicotine in the vape juice is optional which means you can choose the nicotine strength or content in the e-liuqids. To avoid the harm that nicotine may lead, we can choose zero nicotine vape juice like shortfill, or the lowest nicotine strength e-juice(3mg or 6mg).
Vaping Health Risks to Minors
Nicotine is highly addictive. So you’re likely to get hooked if you vape regularly. Young people are especially at risk of becoming addicted. Because their brains are growing so quickly, new habits take root very fast, and they "learn" to be dependent easily. Nicotine can also wire the brain for addiction to other drugs, like cocaine and alcohol.
Human brain continues to grow until age 25. Before then, it's highly sensitive to the effects of e-cigarette chemicals, especially nicotine. It can disrupt your brain growth, with lasting effects on your learning and thinking skills. It's also linked to depression and schizophrenia.
Children and adolescents are sensitive to nicotine, which affects brain functions such as attention distraction, learning and impulse control, increases the risk of addiction in the future, impedes the development of brain and can be life-threatening if consumed in excess.
In order to protect minors from vaping, the governmental organization of FDA said: “Flavored ENDS products are extremely popular among youth, with over 80 percent of e-cigarette users between ages 12 through 17 using one of these products. Companies who want to continue to market their flavored ENDS products must have robust and reliable evidence showing that their products’ potential benefit for adult smokers outweighs the significant known risk to youth,” said Mitch Zeller, J.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products. “The burden is on the applicant to provide evidence to demonstrate that the marketing of their product meets the statutory standard of ‘appropriate for the protection of the public health.’ If this evidence is lacking or not sufficient, the FDA intends to issue a marketing denial order, which requires the product to be taken off or not introduced to market.”
Vaping is A Good Alternative for Quitting Smoking
Vaping is less harmful than smoking but it’s still harmful. While some researches have shown that it’s effective in helping people quit smoking cigarettes. A 2019 study, partially funded by the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Johnson, found people who used vaping as a way to quit smoking had a one-year quit rate of 18% compared to about 10% in the nicotine replacement therapy group. And it came to a conclusion, Both e-cigarettes and nicotine-replacement products were perceived to be less satisfying than cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes provided greater satisfaction and were rated as more helpful to refrain from smoking than nicotine-replacement products. Thus e-cigarettes were more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy, when both products were accompanied by behavioral support. The trial provides some indications of why e-cigarettes had better results than nicotine-replacement treatments. As in previous studies, e-cigarettes were more effective in alleviating tobacco withdrawal symptoms and received better ratings than nicotine-replacement therapy. They may also have allowed better tailoring of nicotine dose to individual needs.